Living in Lockdown

After almost 3 years without publishing anything here, it’s no surprise that this is the ideal time for me to resurrect this blog. I’m back !! Hopefully with more consistency too.

With the whole world at a standstill thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, these past 9 weeks or so has been exceedingly challenging. News channels with their revolving stories of calamity and despair, the collective mourning of summer 2020 and the evaporation of all our pre-made plans, has left many of us feeling slightly dazed and disorganised.

The ongoing uncertainty of when international travel will resume and the continued restriction of free movement, has left me in an odd place. If you’re like me and have a devotion to planning everything this period may be especially tasking for you.

In the midst of all this, I am grateful for the shared halt to life as we know it. This time has pushed me to become more introspective seeing as saying ” I don’t have the time” is no longer truly an option. This season has given me the drive to do various things I may not have done prior.

Self care has become a major theme in my day to day life. Self care “is defined as the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health be it physical or mental”. As someone who is not naturally inclined to exercise, the discipline of working out regularly has really become an aid for my mental health, I would like to reassure anyone who is also like me that it just takes that one push.

With the pandemic still ongoing many business have changed the mode in which they operate, and several resources are now online. I personally have taken some language classes, joined a couple of webinars, started reading regularly and listened to some genuinely invigorating podcasts that have helped to re-centre my focus. To think and decide for myself what in life is undoubtedly meaningful to me.

In all this craziness, I just want to encourage each and every one of us to take care of ourselves as we only have this body and this one life to live. Think about what is important to you, take those steps to improve what you know needs improvement. Tell your family you love them, smile to a stranger and look after yourself.

That’s all from me till next time. Have a wonderful week !

Thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “Living in Lockdown

  1. Hi Amaka, it’s really good for you to return to penning down your thoughts and opinion again after 3years. Seems a long time to be out of action.
    Nice reflections


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